Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Members help with Ag in the Classroom

On Friday, November 20th, Nicole Martens and Monica Wahl assisted Clara Wichert (FBW) with her Ag in the classroom project, Pumpkin Pie in a Bag. This project was done with the 3rd graders at Cornelson Elementary in Fairview. The kids had a blast, not only did they make and eat their own pie, they made perdictions about the weight of the pumpkin, the circumference of the pumpkin and how many seeds there were in the pumpkin. After they ate their dessert, they all took a turn putting their hands inside the pumpkin and pulling out a few seeds.

The recipe was simple : 1. Take a small baggie and add 2. 1/8 cup of milk 3. 1 tablespoon of vanilla instant pudding 4. a dash of pumpkin pie spice 5. and 2 scoops of pumpkin pie mix from a can. You have the kids mix it by squeezing the baggie until all ingredients are mixed well. Have a small cup with gram cracker grounds on the bottom. Cut the corner out of the baggie so that the children can squeeze their pie filling into the cup and add cool whip to the top. Most of the kids truly enjoyed their yummy, made by themselves, Pumpkin Pie!

New Raffle Kick-Off

The new fundraiser has begun! We are raffling off chances to win a STIHL 269 Chainsaw. Our plan is to draw for the chain saw at the Grand-Opening of the new Farm Bureau building, which we are hoping will be mid-January. Ticket prices are 1 for $3, 2 for $5, and 5 for $10.

On Saturday, November 21st, YF&R did a community awareness project and handed out hot chocolate to the people of Major County uptown Fairview. Fairview kicked-off the Holiday seasons with tax-free shopping from 4 to 8 and a lighted Christmas parade which CNB hosted. There was a tremendous turn out. From 6 to 8, the YF&R handed out hot chocolate to everyone that attended. We are planning to do this again on December 5, when the town hosts the lighting of the angels and the firework show, along with the tax-free shopping.

Monday, November 9, 2009


This past weekend, the YF&R from Major County, had an outstanding representation at the Farm Bureau State Convention in OKC. The couples who attended were: Daniel & Kay Koehn, Clint & Jessica Wilcox, Adam & Nicole Martens, and Ryan & Monica Wahl.

We were very surprised, yet thrilled to receive the YF&R EVENT OF THE YEAR AWARD. We earned this title by applying with our "Hog Wrestling" Fundraiser in August at the County Fair.

We are also excited about Adam and Nicole Martens being elected to represent District 7 on the YF&R State Committee. We wish them the best and hope they have a wonderful experience.

We had a great weekend, and enjoyed the fellowship of other young and older farmers from around the state.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Officers

On October 12, 2009 we met at Adam and Nicole Martens's home to discuss our fundraiser's results and upcoming events. The State Convention is November 6, 7 & 8 in Oklahoma City. Daniel and Kay Koehn, Adam and Nicole Martens, Clint and Jessica Wilcox and Ryan and Monica Wahl will be attending. Adam and Daniel will be voting delegates for the FB business meeting; and Jessica, Adam, and Daniel will be our YF&R delegates during our business meeting.

At the meeting we voted in new officers, they are as follows:

President- Adam Martens
VP- Daniel Koehn
Secretary- Jessica Wilcox
Treasurer- Kay Koehn
Board Rep- Clint Wilcox

We had a new person show up at the meeting. His name is Levi Bratten. He works for One Ok and lives in Fairview, he is originally from the Vici area. He is getting married in January. He has not moved his membership, but he is interested in becoming involved with our YF&R group. If you know anyone else, I encourage you to invite them to our next meeting. 2nd Monday of November!

Monday, October 12, 2009

We have been busy....

In July, we had a float in the Wranglers Rodeo Parade. Thanks to Kay Koehn, we had an amazing banner to show. Kay made it out of fabric so we could use it at different events...Thank you Kay!

In August, we purchased a John Deere safe to sell raffle tickets for a chance to win. We sold tickets personally, at the local Farm Bureau office, Sooner Coop Store, during the car show, during the county fair and during the Threshing Bee. The winner was drawn the Saturday of the Threshing Bee. The winners were Brook and Kodee Strader of Homestead, OK.

During the local Major County Free Fair, we decided to introduce a new event, Pigwrestling! We had a huge response. We had 13 teams enter and approx...200 people gather to watch. The winner of half the jack pot was a local Firefighter team, which captured the pig in 4.6 seconds.

On October 10, we provided a free lunch for the Hunter's Safety Class at the Northwest Votech. We fed about 90 adults and children.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raffle Begins!

Our fundraiser, raffle for a gun safe, is off and going! We set the safe in the window of the future Farm Bureau building for all to see. Tickets are 1 for $5 or 3 for $10. We had a great start at the Rodeo parade, thank you Clint and Jessica Wilcox for volunteering your time to sit at a table and sale tickets.

We also had a pickup, with a beautiful sewn YF&R sign - Thank you Kay, in the parade with Daniel, Kay, Nicole, Rylee, Abbey, Sydney and Reed throwing candy.

We have some new ideas for fundraisers and getting our name out in the community. I put a write up in the e-news and Farivew Republican, introducing who we were and our first fundraiser. We are going to set up booth at the County Fair in August and also host a pig wrestling contest, which Don Voth has offered to help us do. We will be charging (maybe) $50 for a team of 4, with $25 going into the winning jackpot of the team with the quickest time, and $25 going to us. We need to get word out, and get you a team together.

We are trying to get our name out, so if you know of anything going on that we could volunteer out time, or donate supplies or money, please let out President or anyone in the group know.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Made the paper!

Just thought I would put the clip in from the Fairview Republican, just in case you all missed it...Hope to see everyone on the 13th for our monthly meeting. We will need to leave our house at 6:45 to go in town and vote on the new building. We need everyone to make it so we can get the votes we need and get started with renovations on the new building!! Until then...enjoy the wind!! LOL!

Monday, March 30, 2009

YF&R Legislative Day

We only had 1 member that was able to attend the Legislative Day at the Capital. Adam Martens, our Treasurer, attended the day at the capital. He had a very informative day. If you would like to read more about the day or see the pictures taken by OFB staff, please log on to .

Our next meeting is April 13. Come prepared with ideas on communtiy projects, fundraisers and speakers for future meetings. If you know of anyone interested in joining the YR&R organization, it is never too late!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Plymouth Valley Winery

On March 10, 2009 at 5:00 PM, the Young Farmers and Ranchers group met at the Plymouth ValleY Winery to prune grape vines. This was our first fund-raiser. For four hours of our time, the owners Dennis and Elaine Flaming donated money to get our group started.

It was cold, but we had a good group show up to do the work. We pruned from about 5 to around 8:30. After the work, we were all treated to a wine tasting in the facility.

Thank you to Dennis and Elaine Flaming for the opportunity to earn money and for the wine tasting experience.

The members who were present for the event were : Chance Voth, Angie Voth, Clint and Jessica Wilcox, Daniel and Kay Koehn, and Ryan and Monica Wahl.

Electing Officers

On March 9, 2009 a group of Young Farmers and Ranchers met at the home of Ryan and Monica Wahl. We began the meeting with pizza and dessert and then began to talk about the officers that neede to be voted on. Our officers were elected with the help of Major Co Farm Bureau's county President Dennis Flaming. The officers are as follows:

President: Chance Voth

Vice-Presidnt: Corey Dayton

Secretary: Jessica Wilcox

Treasurer: Adam Martens

Board Rep: Ryan Wahl

We voted on when and where our meetings would be held. Until Farm Bureau's new building is ready, we will meet at Ryan and Monica Wahl's house (3 miles south of town on the East side) on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 PM.

First fund-raiser will be March 10 at 5:00 PM at the Plymouth Valley Winery. We are giving 4 hours of our time pruning the grape vines for a very nice donation to get out group started.